Welcome to Snackerpackers
A few years back, having lunch on a snowmobile ride meant cold, smashed sandwiches. These days a warm meal can be had by coooking from the heat of the exhaust pipe. The only problem with this was the resulting mess in your engine compartment or cooking container if you didn't wrap your food up. The first solution was to use aluminum foil but the grey film left on the food was anything but appetizing! Some of us went to using oven bags but a season of cramming the wrong sized, and over priced, bag into our cookers left us feeling frustrated.
Finally, after a few seasons of half solutions I have come up with the answer. SNACKERPACKERS are a mini bag; sized just right to fit elegantly inside your exhaust pipe/muffler cookers like the The Hot Pot that will keep your food together and leak free without the aluminum foil or oversized oven bag.
Your imagination can go wild with the recipe you choose! In fact, there are "muff pot" recipe books and suggestions all over the internet and now you no longer have to worry about choosing something that won't make a mess! A few quick ideas of meals to put in your SNACKERPACKERS bag are hotdogs, brats, burritos, hot pockets, chicken strips or left over lasagna. You can use your SNACKERPACKERS bags to heat up treats for that cold ride home once the sun does down!! Try pop tarts, apple/cherry turnovers, muffins, or chocolate chip cookies. Ummm-ummmm.